Watch our feature on GMA during our festival week at The Tribeca Festival

Oscar-winning producer Guneet Monga Kapoor (“The Elephant Whisperers”) and Michelin-starred chef and filmmaker Vikas Khanna (“The Last Color”) have boarded Oscar-qualified animated short “American Sikh” as executive producers.” Read the rest of our feature in Variety here.

“Little did the turban-wearing boy know that one day he would combat hate and bias by donning the uniform of Marvel superhero Captain America.” Read Dr. Lipi Roy’s Interview with Vikas Khanna here.

“"American Sikh" is more than a film, it's a celebration of diversity, resilience, and the triumph of acceptance over adversity.” Read the rest of the Yahoo! Finance article here.

American Sikh is an emotionally powerful autobiography in which Singh comes to terms with life in America in an unexpected way. Co-directed by Ryan Westra and Singh, the animation is exquisite and the art is a fine balance of saturated color and expressive bold linear rendering. The script is warmly and wittily compelling. Read the rest of Vishavjit’s interview with Print Mag here.

what people are saying about 'American Sikh’

“Imaginative and profound…overflows with information, emotion, and understanding…it is not just awesome—it’s brilliant."

Film Threat

"A beautifully timed, smartly executed, candidly compelling indie film that should NOT be ignored"

One Film Fan

“The first film I saw for Tribeca set the bar impossibly high…AMERICAN SIKH is a small masterpiece that you need to see.”

— Unseen Films

“A clever, provocative, and poignant exploration of identity.”

— Alliance of Women Female Journalists

“While it’s heartening to see people respond so enthusiastically to a turbaned and bearded Captain America, Singh and Westra aren’t naive about what it will take to combat bias and prejudice in the US.”

"Bold, brave, and never boring"

UK Film Review

The film’s powerful, animated storytelling prowess can make many in the audience feel as if they are experiencing a sublime, full-length feature film even though the film has a running time shy of 10 minutes. For this reviewer, that is a hell of an accomplishment in a production that short. This is a must-see."

Hunter Word

“Uplifting, sincere, honest and poignant, which don’t sound like things you could squeeze into a ten minute short film, that also has a sense of humour, but somehow Ryan Westra and Vishavjit Singh achieved it to perfection…it’s safe to say that American Sikh is necessary viewing.

— Film Carnage

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