Here’s how you can support American Sikh.

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  1. Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to our project on DVN Network.

Even a small donation could help us meet our goal to make sure this important story is heard.

If you'd like to make a donation please consider do so on DVN. This platform is exactly the same as our closed Kickstarter, except for your donation tax-deductible (for American supporters). Additionally, this will allow a greater percentage of your contribution to go towards the film -- thank you!

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2. Share our film on social media or with family/friends!

We need to spread the word about our film as wide as possible to reach out goal. To make it easy, we made a Google Drive document of gifs, images, videos, links to our socials and more! Thank you for being a part of our American Sikh street team!

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3. Sign up for our mailing list to stay updated!

Keep up-to-date with the campaign and get exclusive BTS content!